This Thanksgiving, like all of 2020, is one for the books. It certainly will be a memory marker for a generation that had experienced fewer hardships than many before, that will induce its own variety of “when I was your age” stories. There’s still a long road ahead, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. As many details remain uncertain about what things will look like in the near future, it’s important that we take time to reflect this week and count our blessings. Not only this week, but every day. It’s also ok to grieve all of the little losses, as well as the big losses we’ve experienced throughout the pandemic. That’s healthy not to gloss over and it’s also re-centering to not dwell in that space alone. We will find peace beyond our understanding; we will see the good that comes from a time of trial, if we look for it. I’m reminded this morning, to look for it as I read the prayer, “Wake us to your presence Lord, that we might not waste our times of trial,” and sing the lyrics to “It is well with my soul”. We weren’t promised a trouble free life, though we’ve had many comforts for most of our lives in a first-world nation. During these times that we may not be able to see loved ones, or find ourselves at a table with opposing views, let us remember that we’re all made in the image of God and we’ll get through this together with God.

We’re getting through this with you and for that we’re grateful. We’re grateful to still be in motion as a live concert/festival producer with the hopes of a 2021 festival on the horizon. We’re grateful for the many who have donated or partnered with us thus far to help us weather the storm a little more easily; though we’re still in it, your support brings such great hope. We’re grateful for our faith that holds us steady and guides us each with enough strength for each day. There have been many hurdles this year and there will still be more even as we’re feeling fatigue from distancing and more screen-time than we’re used to. However, there is much beauty all around that is evident and some we have to look a little harder to see. Let’s continue to look for it and be grateful. “Wake us to your presence Lord, that we might not waste our times of trial.” Following through on that statement entails gratitude. May we continue to have hearts full from counting our blessings. We count you, as one of our biggest blessings. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!

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